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Using WordPress As A Knowledgebase

Okay, so we know about and have read countless blog posts about using WordPress as a conten management system as well as for an intranet solution.  Have you thought about using it for your IT knowledgebase?  It is actually a great solution for spinning up an internal website for your IT staff to find and have quick access to key information.  In working with a client recently we were able to spin up a very slick internal KB using Studiopress’s Genesis framework running atop WP 3.1 with the new enhancements for CMS that are already built in. 
Ideas for helpful information that may be presented internally:
  • Create categories that represent areas that your staff may need to query or have relevant information about.  For instance categories such as servers, workstations, user issues, printers, network information, security information, software, logs, manuals, etc.
  • Use your custom menus to pull from your categories so that the information is readily available and is structured accordingly
  • Use widgets to pull pertinent information such as technical RSS feeds, links, etc
  • Use an advanced search plugin such as “search everything” to add functionality and features to the default wordpress builtin search API.
  • Using the builtin CMS functionality you can create a powerful internetwork of interal links between your pages for support staff to find information between topics
  • Instead of utilizing network drives for storing documents, upload your documents to your posts/pages allowing your attachments to be searchable and linked to other pertinent content. 

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