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vCenter 6.5 new HTML5 VAMI UI interface

Actually, to be correct, the new HTML5 administrative interface for the new vCenter 6.5 appliance is no longer called VAMI but rather the vCenter Server Appliance Management or VSAM UI.  This is the new redesigned interface that allows administrative management and monitoring of the vCenter appliance.  Let’s take a look at the vCenter 6.5 new HTML5 VAMI UI interface and some of the new options and features that you can expect in the redesigned UI.

vCenter 6.5 new HTML5 VAMI UI interface

One thing to note, is the new VSAM UI aka VAMI interface, still looks to be located on port 5480 so browsing there we still gain access with the root account and password.
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The new HTML5 VSAM interface is chocked full of useful information at a glance.  However, if you will notice, there are some new additions to the redesigned interface including the addition of the Backup button at the top right hand corner of the interface, as well as the three new additions over on the bottom left which will will take a look at.
  • Syslog Configuration
  • CPU and Memory
  • Database

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First of all, a much highly anticipated feature of the vCenter 6.5 appliance is the ability to backup the appliance.  There wasn’t really a good way to do this in the past.
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Under the backup protocol, we have a wide range of selections here including HTTPS, HTTP, SCP, FTPS, and FTP.
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You can choose as well to encrypt the backup data as well with a password.
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Included in the new appliance interface is the ability to monitor networking, CPU and memory, and the database.  Notice the new tab under the networking configuration.  As this is a lab environment, there was no data to display as of yet.
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Here we can also manage our network settings.
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Another really cool feature is the ability to configure our appliance to talk to a SYSLOG server.
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You can configure the log level, port, etc.
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As mentioned earlier the new appliance has the ability to show data for CPU/memory and the database.
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The vCenter 6.5 new HTML5 VAMI UI interface now known as VSAM is truly a needed upgrade.  The older VCSA VAMI appliance interface is very stripped down and doesn’t provide much in the way of monitoring, backups, and other vital configuration, where the new VSAM UI shines.  VMware is definitely making great strides in the right direction as the vCenter appliance is now officially the path forward.  We all knew it was headed that way, but the new release solidifies that thinking.

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